In a bid to assist travelers in making the most cost-effective choices this holiday season, Expedia has released valuable data regarding the best times to book flights and the optimal days for holiday travel. This information can help travelers save substantially on their airfare.

According to Expedia’s flight data, the ideal period to secure affordable holiday airfare is approximately 1-2 months in advance of the intended travel dates. This strategic booking window enables travelers to capitalize on attractive discounts and offers while avoiding the last-minute price hikes often associated with holiday travel.

Expedia’s data further highlights the cheapest days to embark on holiday journeys during the festive season.

Thanksgiving Travel

Departing on Monday, November 20th is recommended, as it is approximately 12% cheaper than flying on the Wednesday just before Thanksgiving. Returning on a Friday instead of the more common Sunday departure can lead to even greater savings.

Christmas Travel

For those planning a Christmas getaway, selecting either Tuesday, December 19th or Christmas Eve for their departure is advantageous. These dates offer savings of around 25% compared to flying on Friday, December 22nd, which is typically one of the most expensive travel days of the season.

New Year’s Eve Travel

For a budget-conscious New Year’s Eve celebration, departing on Saturday, December 30th, or New Year’s Eve itself is highly recommended. These choices present substantial savings, with fares being approximately 45% cheaper compared to departing on December 26th, which follows Christmas.

Hotel Prices

Expedia’s data highlights that hotel prices tend to decrease around the Thanksgiving holiday. According to, daily rates for accommodations are at their highest during Christmas week and New Year. In contrast, November, especially during Thanksgiving week, offers more budget-friendly hotel options.

Several cities, mountain getaways, and beach destinations stand out for providing below-average hotel rates during the holiday season. These locations include Orlando, Gatlinburg, Denver, Fort Lauderdale, Tokyo, Rome, Mexico City, and Madrid. Travelers seeking cost-effective accommodations can consider these destinations for their holiday getaways.