COVID-19 cases surge in China as the province of Jilin is now under lockdown.

The omicron variant has topped its daily case count at 4,067 on Monday, making it harder for health officials to resolve the matter.

Today, China has the highest cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic. Over 10,000 cases throughout 27 provinces and municipalities since the beginning of March.

For the last two years, China has kept cases under control by isolating all infections, as well all those in close contact with the infected, hence getting ahead of the virus before it spreads. But as of late the new omicron variant moves faster than officials could even trace. 

Photo Credit: Katerina Holmes

China’s resolution for the 24 million residents in Jilin is to return to full lockdowns and forbid residents to leave their homes. All in-person schooling has been cancelled in Shanghai and Beijing, and students must attend virtually.

The current surge of omicron in China has grown into something they hadn’t seen before. The country is running out of resources to isolate thousands of close contacts of infected patients.

Healthcare professional in protective gloves & workwear holding & organising a tray of COVID-19 vaccine vials. The professional is carrying out researches on COVID-19 vaccine in laboratory.

Meanwhile in nearby Hong Kong, the city is still surging with 26,000 new cases a day and has the highest fatality rate of COVID-19 in the world.