United Airlines is donating flights to import more than 300,000 pounds of baby formula into the United States. According to CNN, the airline will begin flying in Kendamil infant formula on June 9, making it the first major airline carrier to donate flights to assist with the ongoing formula shortage the country is experiencing.

The government announced Wednesday that the initiative is a part of its Operation Fly Formula. The US previously said it will import 2 million cans of baby formula from the United Kingdom to help address shortages. The Food and Drug Administration also recently relaxed its regulations for imports, which will allow Kendamil infant formula to enter the country.

“United Airlines has agreed to transport Kendamil formula free of charge from Heathrow Airport in London to multiple airports across the country over a three-week period,” said the White House in a statement. “These are the first Operation Formula Flight to be donated by an airline carrier.”

The White House adds that the imported Kendamil formula will “be distributed and available for purchase at selected US retailers nationwide, as well as online,” with the first shipment being made available at various Target locations in upcoming weeks.

Formula has been scarce in many parts of the US following a recall brought on by suspected contamination. The closing of the Abbott formula manufacturing plant in Michigan also played a major role in the shortage, as the factory was reported to have supplied around a fifth of all the country’s infant formula.

The White House says the United Airlines flights will bring in “approximately 3.2 million 8-ounce bottle equivalents of Kendamil Classic Stage 1 and 540,000 8-ounce bottle equivalents of Kendamil Organic.”

Related: What You Need To Know About Flying With Breast Milk