Part of what makes travel attractive is the opportunity to disconnect from our daily obligations, but with the wifi becoming more widely available around the world, that’s proving more difficult to do.

Here are a few destinations where travelers will be forced to unplug:


While Greenland residents have internet access within their homes, the country promotes itself as a place where travelers can “unplug from the world wide web and get in touch with marvellous natural surroundings, yourself and your travel companions.” While it’s possible to purchase wifi in most places, those who do will be met with a higher cost than usual.


China is home to the largest number of internet users in the world, but their censorship laws effectively block most social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, and Reddit. Google’s China subsidiary is severely limited so make sure you pack a guidebook to consult for recommendations.


Internet has slowly been expanding their internet coverage, but most public access is through scratchcards that can be a nuisance, especially if you need to log on for work or an extended period of time. Cell phones work, but the cost to call home might convince you to embrace your digital detox.


A survey by UK broadband and mobile provider Cable found that Vietnam’s average broadband speed was “10 times slower than Singapore.” Internet access is blocked by the government and information about political opposition, religious topics, and human rights are often restricted. Take it as a sign to spend more time exploring the country’s numerous temples and jungles instead.

Green Bank, West Virginia

The tiny township of Green Bank has outlawed both internet and bluetooth, preventing mobile calls and texts. Located within a 13,000-square mile area known as the National Radio Quiet Zone, Green Bank is home to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, which operates the world’s largest radio telescope. The 143 residents of Green Bank have adapted to using landlines and dial-up connections.