Danetha Doe is a 31-year old “girl boss” from Indiana. This former NFL cheerleader spends her time educating women on financial literacy. We spoke with Danetha via email about her work and her blog ‘Money and Mimosas.’

Photo courtesy of Danetha Doe

Travel Noire: Tell us about money and mimosas?

Danetha: Money & Mimosas is a blog and community I started for women who are looking for ways to manage, save, and grow their money without sacrificing the fun in life.  The whole concept started after a brunch date with girlfriends. We all shared a desire to be financially responsible but didn’t how to do it without giving up things like brunch, traveling, shopping, etc. I started gathering my friend’s questions, doing research and sending emails with the information I found. Those emails turned into a weekly newsletter, which turned into the blog, which grew into Money & Mimosas. I now have over 8,000 global weekly readers, from New Zealand to San Francisco.

Photo courtesy of Danetha Doe

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TN: Why was it important for you to educate women in regards to financial literacy?

Danetha: Until women master their money, we will never attain gender equality. Whether that’s in the boardroom and society, at large. The average net worth of a woman in the United States is 32 cents, compared to $1 of the average man. This directly impacts her ability to care for herself, her ability to leave a toxic relationship, or have a meaningful impact in her community. Financial literacy is more than just having control over your money; it’s about having control over your life.

Photo courtesy of Danetha Doe

TN: What’s the biggest mistake that you see women make with their finances?

Danetha: The biggest mistake is not seeking out financial education.  I see so many women blindly hand over their finances to a significant other or a financial professional because she doesn’t believe that she is “good with money.” No one was born innately with being good with money. You have to remain educated about money to feel confident in your ability to manage your own. Seek out financial education training, read articles, and listen to podcasts that will help you better understand how money works. Treat your financial education like you would treat fitness. It’s a daily commitment.

Photo courtesy of Danetha Doe

TN: What are your top 3 tips to help us “boss up?”

Danetha: One, protect your cash. Every woman needs access to at least $10,000 in cash, whether that’s in a traditional savings account or another vehicle that you can access within 24 hours. Two, know exactly how you can generate an additional $3,000 in revenue every month if needed. If you are working a traditional job, this would be through a side hustle or an investment. If you have a business, this would be through your company’s revenue. Financial independence is about having the ability to make money on your own terms. Otherwise, you will always be dependent on the system or someone else. Three, take 100 percent responsibility for your financial situation. Sit down during your weekly money date, get clear on where you stand financially, and what you need to change to elevate your situation. We all have areas of improvement, and it’s your job to be honest with yourself about where your improvements need to be made.

TN: Where can we find you for additional questions?

Danetha: The best place to find me is at www.moneyandmimosas.com, we have new articles every week on how to manage, save and grow your money. On social, you can find me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook:  @danethadoe.