Over 400 U.S. National Parks will be offering free admission on August 25th to celebrate the 105th anniversary of the National Park Service organization.

Due to COVID-19, a majority of these parks will require reservations to control the incoming crowds and reduce risks of spreading the virus. Many of the parks are expecting thousands of visitors on this specific day, so planning ahead will give you an advantage in order to have a smoother daily visit.

The more famous U.S. national parks like Redwood State Park, National Zion Park, and Yosemite may require reservations through their website, and checking in advance is advised.

The National Park Service was founded in August 1916 and the result of the Organic Act of 1916 allowed for national landmarks to become public grounds. The government created regulations that outlined the protection and maintenance of the land these parks are located on across the country.

Photo Courtesy Of Hendrik Cornelissen

This year, there were only 6 free days when visitors can come to a U.S. National Park and expect to spend little to nothing outside of park amenities and on-site eateries.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is one of these days and the upcoming remaining free days of the year are National Public Lands Day and Veterans Day, which both take place in the fall.

Some parks in the South are offering free camping on the 105th anniversary depending on which parks you chose to explore, or can locally travel too in a short time frame.

There are 3 national parks that you have to boat to get to, and those still may require payments for travel arrangements to the actual national public park.

Some U.S. National Parks range from $20 upwards of $42, so August 25th is going to be an exciting day for visitors and staff who can expect heavy customer traffic.

Related: Military Families Are Granted Free Admission To All U.S. National Parks