In the 18th arrondissement of Paris is a hidden gem of a community known as La Goutte d’Or which translates to “The Drop of Gold.”

The vibrant district – also known as Little Africa – is where you find African food, culture, and fashion. It’s the best neighborhood in Paris to find Black culture as its home a large population of people from North and West Africa. 

Throughout the community, you will find markets, stores, and street vendors that make you feel you’re wandering in an African market. The vendors are selling items such as spices, and fabric for custom-made outfits.


No matter where you travel in La Goutte d’Or, you will find places and architecture that pays homage to Africa. The Louxor Cinema, for example, boasts distinctive ancient Egyptian architecture. On the street Rue Myrha, you will find the best designers who aim to put African textiles on the map with reasonably priced items. Some designers on this have reportedly been known to make clothing for Beyoncé and Laetitia Casta.

On Rue Léon, you will find the Institut des Cultures d’Islam. Here is where you can eat and taste some of the best couscous in the city or indulge in Moroccan-style tea.

If you’re not sure where to start, then book a tour with Jacqueline Ngo Mpii. She is the founder of Little Africa, a Black-owned travel agency that works to educate travelers about African culture in Paris through walking tours, literature, and events.


During your visit to Paris, be sure to put exploring this amazing community on your to-do list. Little Africa is just a short ride from the city’s main attractions. Exit the metro at Chateau Rouge