Traveling the world is a great way to enjoy your surroundings while learning about how other people live. It can, however, result in debt. 

There are ways to travel the world and not have to worry about ending up in debt. 

Joseph Bautista, a financial advisor at Grow With Joe tells CNN Business: “If you want to become a global nomad you either need to have a job where you can telework, have enough savings to live on the cheap or have a gig that is generating income along the way.”

Here are three ways you can travel the world without breaking the bank:

Pay For Travel As You Go 

You don’t have to give up your job while traveling the world. Find freelance or contract work in your field so you can make money while exploring the world. 

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For example, if you’re a teacher, you can find ways to tutor or teach online or if you’re a writer, you can find websites to write for. 

Websites like and are great resources for finding paid gigs. 

Save Up A Large Amount And Then Explore The World

If you want to travel for six months or more at a time, it’s a good idea to save up lots of money before going off the grid. 

Some people take odd jobs for years to save up then when they’ve amassed their goal amount, they pack up and travel to their desired destinations. 

Cheaper alternatives while traveling are to stay in hostels or backpack. The way, if travel is truly your passion, you won’t have to worry about vacation days…etc.

Work Remotely

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Another great way to travel without breaking the bank is to find jobs in the places you visit. If you’re freelancing, you can designate hours out of your day to get work done to ensure you’re still generating an income.