One of the most common phrases for kicking it with friends is “We outside.” And while this saying takes on different perspectives for different people, many can agree that having the proper essentials in place can make or break the “outside” experience.

In this instance, being outside is quite literal. Whether you are backpacking in the mountains of Tennessee or curating a glamorous experience in Martha’s Vineyard, we encourage you to be prepared for the occasion.

Got a trip planned soon or somewhere in the distant future? No worries. Tap into these essentials to make sure you are prepared.

Your Skin Shouldn’t Suffer – A colloquial saying suggests, “Black don’t crack.” While many people have experienced the power of melanin, it is not an excuse to be reckless with proper skin care. Use your SPF of choice and enjoy the sun, fam.

Insects Be Gone – Nothing ruins a moment in nature more than a pesky bug bite. Grab your favorite repellent spray or cream and stay itch free.

Keep It Cute And Practical – There is never an improper occasion for a fly look. However, even the most fashion-forward people must ensure their choices align with the camping experience. Closed-toe shoes, rain jackets, layered clothing and sweat-resistant garments are your friends when you’re outside.

The Power Doesn’t Have To Go Out –  You may be detached from indoor luxuries, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have power. Keeping your devices charged with a portable charger will be clutch, while dropping some pretty amazing content for the gram.

Dining Your Way – Speaking of energy, wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy a crispy piece of fish and pair it with your favorite beverage?  A fish fry in the woods? Sign us up, fam!

Think ahead about what you want to snack and sip on while on the trip.

However, it’s not just food. Consider a portable burner and table, cookware, disposable plate ware and a bottle opener.

It Ain’t Home, But It Can Come Close – You can be one with nature and comfy by choosing the perfect sleeping bags, chairs, tents and blankets can get you pretty close to the at-home experience.

See Your Footsteps In The Dark – From having the perfect lighting for a selfie to having a light to catch up on a book, lanterns, flashlights, firewood and matches keep you aware of your surroundings and guide you while journeying through spaces.

Keep Hygiene The Main Thing – Yes, you are outside. However, that does not mean you must also be as natural as the elements. Whatever your hygiene routine is, pack things that help you keep up with your daily personal care.

Shower kits, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, towels and mirrors will keep you on track. And please don’t forget the toilet paper!

Stay Safe – Accidents happen. A first-aid kit is like that emergency contact we don’t want to call, but always have on standby. Stock your kit with bandages, ointments, pain medication, allergy supplements and any personal medication and vitamins from your routine.

Keep Outside Clean – Mother Nature doesn’t need litter. Proper storage will not only hold all your items in place but keep the earth clear. Also, bring environmentally friendly products to leave the area as you found it.

Camping is an age-old concept and can look different for everyone considering the idea. The above tips aren’t an exhaustive list, but ones you want to ensure you tap in with before going outside.

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